
Cucumber is a specification for running tests in a BDD (behavior-driven development) style workflow.

It assumes involvement of non-technical members on a project and as such provides a human-readable syntax for the definition of features, via the language Gherkin. A typical feature could look something like this:

Feature: Eating too much cucumbers may not be good for you
  Scenario: Eating a few isn't a problem
    Given Alice is hungry
    When she eats 3 cucumbers
    Then she is full

These features are agnostic to the implementation, the only requirement is that they follow the expected format of phrases followed by the keywords (Given, When, Then). Gherkin offers support for languages other than English, as well.

Cucumber implementations then simply hook into these keywords and execute the logic corresponding to the keywords. cucumber crate is one of such implementations and is the subject of this book.

extern crate cucumber;
extern crate tokio;

use std::time::Duration;

use cucumber::{World as _, given, then, when};
use tokio::time::sleep;

#[derive(cucumber::World, Debug, Default)]
struct World {
    user: Option<String>,
    capacity: usize,

#[given(expr = "{word} is hungry")] // Cucumber Expression
async fn someone_is_hungry(w: &mut World, user: String) {
    w.user = Some(user);

#[when(regex = r"^(?:he|she|they) eats? (\d+) cucumbers?$")]
async fn eat_cucumbers(w: &mut World, count: usize) {

    w.capacity += count;
    assert!(w.capacity < 4, "{} exploded!", w.user.as_ref().unwrap());

#[then("she is full")]
async fn is_full(w: &mut World) {

    assert_eq!(w.capacity, 3, "{} isn't full!", w.user.as_ref().unwrap());

async fn main() {


Since the goal is the testing of externally identifiable behavior of some feature, it would be a misnomer to use Cucumber to test specific private aspects or isolated modules. Cucumber tests are more likely to take the form of integration, functional or E2E testing.