CLI (command-line interface)

cucumber crate provides several options that can be passed to the command-line.

Use --help flag to print out all the available options:

cargo test --test <test-name> -- --help

Default output is:

Run the tests, pet a dog!

Usage: cucumber [OPTIONS]

  -n, --name <regex>
          Regex to filter scenarios by their name
          [aliases: scenario-name]

  -t, --tags <tagexpr>
          Tag expression to filter scenarios by.
          Note: Tags from Feature, Rule and Scenario are merged together on filtering, so be careful about conflicting tags on different levels.

  -i, --input <glob>
          Glob pattern to look for feature files with. By default, looks for `*.feature`s in the path configured tests runner

  -c, --concurrency <int>
          Number of scenarios to run concurrently. If not specified, uses the value configured in tests runner, or 64 by default

          Run tests until the first failure
          [aliases: ff]

      --retry <int>
          Number of times a scenario will be retried in case of a failure

      --retry-after <duration>
          Delay between each scenario retry attempt.
          Duration is represented in a human-readable format like `12min5s`.
          Supported suffixes:
          - `nsec`, `ns` — nanoseconds.
          - `usec`, `us` — microseconds.
          - `msec`, `ms` — milliseconds.
          - `seconds`, `second`, `sec`, `s` - seconds.
          - `minutes`, `minute`, `min`, `m` - minutes.

      --retry-tag-filter <tagexpr>
          Tag expression to filter retried scenarios

          Verbosity of an output.
          `-v` is default verbosity, `-vv` additionally outputs world on failed steps, `-vvv` additionally outputs step's doc string (if present).

      --color <auto|always|never>
          Coloring policy for a console output
          [default: auto]

  -h, --help
          Print help information (use `-h` for a summary)


NOTE: CLI options override any configurations set in the code.


By default, the whole CLI is composed of Parser::Cli, Runner::Cli and Writer::Cli, provided by the used components. Once a custom Parser, Runner or Writer is used, its CLI is automatically emerged into the final CLI.

CLI may be extended even more with arbitrary options, if required. In such case we should combine the final CLI by ourselves and apply it via Cucumber::with_cli() method.

extern crate clap;
extern crate cucumber;
extern crate futures;
extern crate humantime;
extern crate tokio;

use std::time::Duration;

use cucumber::{World, cli, given, then, when};
use futures::FutureExt as _;
use tokio::time::sleep;

#[derive(Debug, Default)]
struct Animal {
    pub hungry: bool,

impl Animal {
    fn feed(&mut self) {
        self.hungry = false;

#[derive(Debug, Default, World)]
pub struct AnimalWorld {
    cat: Animal,

#[given(regex = r"^a (hungry|satiated) cat$")]
async fn hungry_cat(world: &mut AnimalWorld, state: String) {
    match state.as_str() {
        "hungry" => = true,
        "satiated" => = false,
        _ => unreachable!(),

#[when("I feed the cat")]
async fn feed_cat(world: &mut AnimalWorld) {;

#[then("the cat is not hungry")]
async fn cat_is_fed(world: &mut AnimalWorld) {

#[derive(cli::Args)] // re-export of `clap::Args`
struct CustomOpts {
    /// Additional time to wait in before hook.
        value_parser = humantime::parse_duration,
    pre_pause: Option<Duration>,

async fn main() {
    let opts = cli::Opts::<_, _, _, CustomOpts>::parsed();
    let pre_pause = opts.custom.pre_pause.unwrap_or_default();

        .before(move |_, _, _, _| sleep(pre_pause).boxed_local())


NOTE: For extending CLI options of exising Parser, Runner or Writer when wrapping it, consider using cli::Compose.

NOTE: If a custom Parser, Runner or Writer implementation doesn't expose any CLI options, then cli::Empty should be used.


Cargo alias is a neat way to define shortcuts for regularly used customized tests running commands.

extern crate clap;
extern crate cucumber;
extern crate futures;
extern crate humantime;
extern crate tokio;

use std::time::Duration;

use cucumber::{World, cli, given, then, when};
use futures::FutureExt as _;
use tokio::time::sleep;

#[derive(Debug, Default)]
struct Animal {
    pub hungry: bool,

impl Animal {
    fn feed(&mut self) {
        self.hungry = false;

#[derive(Debug, Default, World)]
pub struct AnimalWorld {
    cat: Animal,

#[given(regex = r"^a (hungry|satiated) cat$")]
async fn hungry_cat(world: &mut AnimalWorld, state: String) {
    match state.as_str() {
        "hungry" => = true,
        "satiated" => = false,
        _ => unreachable!(),

#[when("I feed the cat")]
async fn feed_cat(world: &mut AnimalWorld) {;

#[then("the cat is not hungry")]
async fn cat_is_fed(world: &mut AnimalWorld) {

struct CustomOpts {
    command: Option<SubCommand>,

enum SubCommand {

struct Smoke {
    /// Additional time to wait in before hook.
        value_parser = humantime::parse_duration,
    pre_pause: Option<Duration>,

async fn main() {
    let opts = cli::Opts::<_, _, _, CustomOpts>::parsed();
    let pre_pause = if let Some(SubCommand::Smoke(Smoke { pre_pause })) =
    } else {

        .before(move |_, _, _, _| sleep(pre_pause).boxed_local())

The alias should be specified in .cargo/config.toml file of the project:

smoke = "test -p cucumber --test cli -- smoke --pre-pause=5s -vv --fail-fast"

Now it can be used as:

cargo smoke
cargo smoke --tags=@hungry

NOTE: The default CLI options may be specified after a custom subcommand, because they are defined as global ones. This may be applied to custom CLI options too, if necessary.